Wisdom Teeth
The wisdom teeth, which we call the third molars, are the teeth that complete their eruption last, with a total of four teeth at the back of both the lower and upper jaws. It may occur more frequently in some people, or it may occur less frequently. Wisdom teeth may not find enough space in the jawbone and may remain buried or may not be able to rub into the mouth sufficiently. In such cases, it can lead to pain and infection.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
- Sensitive, red gums
- Gum swelling, abscess
- Jaw pain
- Limitation in opening the mouth
- Difficulty swallowing
- Bad taste sensation in the mouth
- Swelling of the lymph nodes
- Pain in the ears
How to Extract an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?
First of all, the relevant area is anesthetized with local anesthesia. Then an incision is made in the gum. If there is bone on the tooth, the bone is removed with the help of rotating instruments. After the tooth becomes visible, the tooth is removed either in one piece or in several pieces. Afterwards, the procedure is completed by suturing the gum.
What should be considered after impacted wisdom tooth extraction?
- The placed gauze should be bitten for 45 minutes.
- Nothing should be eaten or drunk until the drowsiness has passed.
- On the first day, there may be blood leakage. Severe spitting or agitation should not be done to control bleeding.
- If bone removal is performed, ice should be applied to the relevant area for 5 minutes from the outside to reduce swelling and edema.
- Painkillers close to passing the numbness should be used.
- The prescribed antibiotic should be used regularly. Gargling should be started a day later.
- Hard, sticky, hot or spicy foods should be avoided for the first 24 hours. Soft nutrition should be carried out, such as mash, soup.
- Alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated or very hot/cold drinks should not be consumed in the first 24 hours.
- To prevent clot formation, straws should not be used in drinks for the first week.
- During the first 72 hours, smoking should never be consumed in order not to delay recovery and not to cause severe pain.
- the head should be supported with a double pillow when lying down at night.
What Happens if the impacted wisdom tooth is not extracted?
When wisdom teeth come out, they may not find a place in the jawbone and may remain impacted and damage other teeth.
Wisdom teeth that remain impacted in a different position can dissolve the roots of other erupted teeth, put pressure on the front teeth and compress them. It may create an area that cannot be cleaned and cause cavities and gum problems on the teeth in front of it. It may cause sensitivity, swelling and pain in the teeth and surrounding tissues in the relevant area.